Friday, November 25, 2011

Pentagon strategy drives up costs, but alternatives are available

Going for Broke: The Budgetary Consequences of Current US Defense Strategy. Carl Conetta. PDA Briefing Memo #52, 25 October 2011. Shows how the Pentagon's adoption of more ambitious goals, strategy, and missions after the Cold War led to today's unsustainable defense budgets. Two tables.
Strategic Adjustment to Sustain the Force: A Survey of Current Proposals. Charles Knight. PDA Briefing Memo #51, 25 October 2011. Reviews five proposals by independent experts for adjusting US global strategy to new fiscal realities in ways that enhance security while avoiding 'hollowing' of the forces.
The Pentagon's New Mission Set: A Sustainable Choice? Carl Conetta. An updated and expanded excerpt from the Report of the Task Force on a Unified Security Budget (USB) for the United States, August 2011.
Report of the Task Force on a Unified Security Budget for the United States FY 2011. Lawrence Korb and Miriam Pemberton, principal authors. Foreign Policy in Focus and the Institute for Policy Studies, 30 June 2011. Proposals to re-balance defense, homeland security, and international affairs spending. PDA is a member of report's task force.
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