Military Intervention and Common Sense: Focus on Land Forces (Paperback and Kindle editions) (Mobipocket edition) by Lutz Unterseher with preface by Charles Knight and a chapter by Carl Conetta. Ryckschau, Berlin, June 2009. This book focuses on the most challenging set of tasks for today's military interventions: those required for the stabilization of countries seriously affected by civil war or insurgency. Primarily this is a mission for the ground forces and appropriate forces must be designed to be more robust than traditional peacekeepers and less aggressively violent than traditional war fighters.
* Helicopters in America’s post-9/11 wars by Carl Conetta, from Lutz Unterseher, et. al., Military Intervention and Common Sense: Focus on Land Forces, Chapter 6 (Berlin: Ryckschau, June 2009)
PDA in the News:
Rethink Afghanistan a film by the Brave New Foundation, featuring several interview segments with Carl Conetta, 2009.
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